Florida Governor Rick Scott
Gov. Scott in April signed in a new bill making the Death Penalty constitutional in Florida when a jury vote is unanimous following a capital felony trial. Gov. Scott wants this bill to help families of victims of these heinous crimes find closure and justice in their darkest hours.
The Senate had a unanimous vote on Senate Bill 280 and the following day the House voted 112-3 in favor of this death penalty bill.
A quick excerpt from the proposed bill reads as follows:
“If a unanimous jury determines that the defendant should be sentenced to death, the jury’s recommendation to the court shall be a sentence of death. If a unanimous jury does not determine that the defendant should be sentenced to death, the jury’s recommendation to the court shall be a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.”
Click here for the full text: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2017/0280/BillText/__/PDF